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close up of woman's cheek - facials in bethesda

Facials in bethesda

From rejuvenating deep-cleansing treatments to moisturizing, age-defying rituals, our facials are designed to leave you radiant, refreshed, and glowing from within. Unlock the secrets to radiant complexion and step into a realm of unparalleled relaxation at Defy Aesthetic®.

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 Facials are for you if…


You’re seeking plump, glowing skin

You want no downtime

You want to relax



$125 per session
$50 added on to another service

How it works: Dermaplaning is a method of physical exfoliation using a sterile surgical scalpel to gently shave the top layer of the skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz) to immediately reveal smooth and glowing skin.

We recommend a session monthly or as-needed!


New to dermaplaning?

What to expect


• Do not go to a tanning salon or endure prolonged and unprotected sun exposure for at least 3 weeks before or after this treatment.

• Discontinue use of Vitamin A and all other active skincare products for 5 days before and after your treatment.

• Ensure you are well nourished and hydrated in the days leading up to and for your appointment. Healthy skin responds best to this treatment and will yield more favorable results!


• Please come makeup-free if possible! If not, we will ask you to remove your makeup upon arrival

• We gently exfoliate the skin using sterile surgical scalpel, but don’t worry – there’s absolutely no discomfort involved!

• Results are immediate with no downtime.


• Refrain from any topical exfoliating agents or active product ingredients for 48 hours after the treatment. 


Customized Defy Facial

$150 per session OR $125 WITH MEMBERSHIP

How it works:
have specific skin concerns that you’d like to address? Our customized facials take a tailored, targeted approach to get your skin glowing and radiant in no time.


New to Facials?

What to expect


• Do not use any topical agents that may increase sensitivity of skin for 5 days prior to your appointment.

• Avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil for 3 days prior to treatment.

• Do not go to a tanning salon or endure prolonged and unprotected sun exposure for at least 3 weeks before or after this treatment.

• Ensure you are well nourished and hydrated in the days leading up to and for your appointment. Healthy skin responds best to this treatment and will yield more favorable results!


• Please come makeup-free if possible! If not, we will ask you to remove your makeup upon arrival.

• It’s normal for the skin to be pink or red after the treatment. This means you will get great results! 


• Be sure to follow the at-home skincare regimen as directed by your provider to ensure best results! Please do not return to your regular regimen until 5-7 days after the procedure.

• Refrain from exercise or excessive heat exposure for a few days after your treatment.

• Avoid direct sun exposure and excessive heat for at least 7 days.

• Always use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30!



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