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woman looking up with eyes closed - botox in bethesda

Botox & Dysport in Bethesda

We love using Botox and Dysport to relax expression lines. These injections help to open, lift and smooth the skin on your face. The best part? You will always still look just like you! Treatment results last 3-4 months.

$14.50/Unit Book Now ⟶


 Botox & Dysport Are for you if…

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you want less fine lines

Botox and Dysport are perfect for diminishing fine lines on the forehead, around the eyes and more.


you want a lift

Botox and Dysport can also be used for a subtle lift of the brows or lips for a fresh, youthful appearance.

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you want lasting results

Most Botox and Dysport treatments last 3-4 months with maintenance from a professional provider.


Client Results

Want an idea of the type of results to expect from Botox or Dysport injections? Here are before and after examples of how these injectables were used to smooth and refine past clients’ facial features, with treatment results lasting 3-4 months.



 New to Botox & Dysport?

For Your Visit

01 / Before

• Avoid alcoholic beverages at least 48 hours prior to treatment (alcohol can thin blood and increase bruising).

• If possible, avoid elective anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications and supplements for two weeks before treatment.

• If in advance of a special event or occasion, please be sure to schedule your Filler or Botox treatments at least two weeks prior to the event date.

• Please hydrate thoroughly in advance of your appointment. Healthy skin yields the best results!

02 / Arrival

• Please come makeup-free if possible! If not, we will ask you to remove your makeup upon arrival.

• A full assessment will be performed every time to ensure the perfect dose for you! These injections are very quick and easy, using a very thin/small needle. Results will start to show about 3-5 days after your injections.

• Some redness and swelling at the injection site is normal, but will go away quickly. This treatment is great for a quick lunch break pick-me-up!

03 / After

• Unless instructed otherwise by your provider, do not massage or manipulate the treated area for at least 4 hours following treatment.

• No lying flat for 4 hours after your treatment.

• Avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 24 hours after your treatment.

• Avoid extensive sun or heat exposure for 72 hours after your treatment.

• Do not receive any laser, chemical peel, microneedling or microdermabrasion treatments after any injections for at least 10 days. Ask your provider if you are not sure about time frames of allowable treatments.



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