PRP For Under Eyes

Addressing under-eye issues like dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines can be tricky. These problems often stem from multiple factors like genetics, aging, sleep, dehydration, and stress. While medical-grade skincare can provide some improvement, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has become a popular treatment for brightening the under-eye area, masking dark circles,and improving overall skin texture - all using your own blood! Keep reading for everything you need to know about PRP for under-eyes!

What is PRP?

PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy involves using the patient's own blood to treat the under eye area. The treatment begins with a painless blood draw from the arm. The blood is then processed in a machine called a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (the gold-colored substance we call “liquid gold”) from other components in the blood. These golden platelets are known for their role in clotting blood, but they also contain powerful growth factors that promote cell turnover, tissue repair, and collagen production. 

When applied or injected into the skin in or around the under eye area, PRP stimulates the body's natural healing processes to significantly improve the appearance of dull and tired under eyes.

Why PRP for Under-Eye Treatment?

The skin under our eyes is very delicate and prone to thinning. This can lead to skin issues like dark circles, laxity, dull skin, discoloration, and visible veins. While medical-grade serums and eye creams can certainly help with these concerns, they may not always penetrate deeply enough to address the deeper problem. However, PRP does something special - it delivers concentrated growth factors directly into the skin, boosting collagen, stimulating your body's natural elastin production, and visibly improving skin texture. 

The PRP Treatment Process:

Skin Analysis Before undergoing any PRP treatment, our team of expert nurse practitioners will consult with you to understand your skincare goals, current under-eye concerns, and your medical history to determine if PRP treatments are right for your skin.

Blood Draw:  First, patients undergo a simple blood draw, similar to the routine blood tests performed at your physician’s office. It’s quick and painless! 

Processing: The drawn blood is then placed in a special machine called a centrifuge where it spins very fast to separate the platelet-rich plasma or “liquid gold” from the red blood cells and other components of the blood. 
Treatment: Once enough PRP has been harvested from your blood, it is then reinjected or applied in the under-eye area. The PRP is either applied topically during a microneedling session which involves using a tiny vibrating pen that has 36 hair-thin needles, or injected into specific areas under the eyes. 

After Treatment: It's normal for the skin to appear pink, red, and “tight” afterward, which is a sign that the treatment is working and you can expect great results! The redness and any minor swelling will go away over the next 24-48 hours. You’re well on your way to glowing skin!

Aftercare: There are a few key things to keep in mind after your PRP treatment. Wait 24-48 hours before going back to your usual skincare routine and makeup Avoid exercising or being in hot places (like a sauna) for a few days to let your skin completely heal and allow the treatment to be as effective as possible. Lastly, remember to stay out of direct sunlight afterward, as sun exposure reverses any progress we make! Make sure to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from the sun. Bonus points if you wear a hat during this time!

The Results: You might start to see changes in your skin a few weeks after your first PRP treatment, but it could take a few months for the full effects to show. We typically recommend a series of 3 sessions about 4-6 weeks apart, with maintenance sessions twice a year after that!

The Benefits of Using PRP for Under Eyes:

-PRP is highly versatile and your body’s own natural product, unlike dermal fillers The growth factors and proteins present in PRP stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and darkness

-PRP treatments involve minimal downtime. Patients can usually go back to their normal skincare routine and lifestyle the following day. PRP treatments are a great option for those who want a natural approach to anti-aging without a lot of downtime!

-Consistent sessions, combined with a personalized skincare treatment plan to maximize your results at home, can lead to long-lasting improvements in your under-eye appearance. While patients will notice results after just the first treatment, we generally recommend 3 treatments spread four weeks apart to correct, and then a treatment every 6 months to maintain results.

 Who is a Good Candidate for PRP Under-Eye Treatment?

Ideal candidates for PRP under-eye treatment typically include patients who:

-Have concerns about dark circles, or fine lines under the eyes and aren’t noticing results with skincare or other treatments.

-Prefer natural skin treatments. PRP utilizes your own blood, which is processed to concentrate platelets containing growth factors. This natural approach minimizes the risk of adverse reactions or complications that can sometimes happen with synthetic substances.

-Have Realistic Expectations. While PRP treatment can significantly improve the appearance of under-eye concerns over time, it may not completely eliminate them. This also means understanding that collagen builds up slowly over time, and it may take several PRP treatments to achieve your skincare goals!

Whether you're interested in Botox, Dysport, facial filler, collagen-boosting skin lasers, or want to learn more about our Defy Monthly Facial Membership (a perfect choice for those who want to transform their skin without the pricetag over the course of a year!), we’d love to see you in our Bethesda medical spa soon!

Cathryn Speck